Friday, July 22, 2011

DANT - Justin Timberlake looks like Eddie Haskell.

Speaking of Justin Timberlake...

Have you ever watched TV Land at 4 in the morning when the Leave it to Beaver re-runs are on?  Well I have.  And one night (or morning, whichever you'd like to call 4am) I was watching the Beave re-runs, and I saw Justin Timberlake on the black & white screen.  I had to rub my eyes a bit - but that was not JT - it was his cosmic twin from a previous generation, Ken Osmond.  I'm telling you, his mannerisms, voice, and facial features are identical to that of former Mouseketeer, Justin Timberlake.  Take a look for yourself... 

Now, did anyone actually ever notice that?



Anonymous said...

I did notice that and then googled it and came up with your page.

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome, anonymous! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

We couldn't figure it out after watching a bunch of LITBs on Netflix, but it just clicked. Googled it & got your page! haha

Miss Tower Flower said...

Good eye!